Discussioni utente:ENDRISR
Bovègne ENDRISR, sus'a Uicchipèdie tarandíne! 'A versione 'ndarandíne de Uicchipèdie, 'na 'ngeclopedije addò tutt'u munne pote scrivere!
Tutte quande ponne ccrejà' 'na pàgena nóve o accunzà' 'n'ótra pàgene; pe' ffà' scè' 'nnanze 'stu pruggètte, s'abbesogne de cchiù cristiáne, ma sèmbe reverescènne le réule e usanne 'u bone sienze. Probbie piccè stè apèrte a lle contrubbute de tutte quande, pure de le cristiáne sckuresciúte, Uicchipèdie no' pó ddà' nisciuna garanzije e ssecurèzze de le cundenute suje. Pure ce le crestiáne ca stonne vòlene fà' le cose aggarbáte, pote èssere ca 'na paggene avéve accunzáte o 'nguajáte da panarijdde, 'llegale o proibbite d'a lègge e da l'ausànze d'addò 'a comunetáte cambe. (IT) : Benvenuto/a ENDRISR, sulla Wikipedia in tarantino! La versione in tarantino di Wikipedia, un'enciclopedia dove tutto il mondo può scrivere!
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Se ce tíne abbesogne de quacchecose, no sce penzanne! Condattame. --S4b1nuz ᴇ.656(SMS) 10:10, 24 Mar 2023 (CET)
Hi dear, thank for your contribution on this Wiki.
I've seen your new pages abouts car trademark, so please, for the new pages please take care about our fixes on the previous pages.
When you create a little page, please sign as stub with the correct template, and please see the categorization of other pages.
Have a nice day Joe Taras ('ngazzaminde) 08:34, 24 Mar 2023 (CET)
- A welcome from me too! I'm also glad that you like creating articles about various car manufacturers here in Tarantino Wikipedia :-).
- A few things to consider for next time: If you would like to create more articles about car manufacturers (for example Audi, Mercedes, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Volvo?), I would like to underline what Joetaras says (who preceded me): Don't enter the category "Pàggene ca avessera stà in Uicchipèdie", since that category is used for pages on this list, you can put the stub template {{S}} above (if the articles are very short) and also add {{Aziende}} as I did with FIAT and Renault, so it includes a few more details about it :-).
- You can take inspiration from it.wiki or en.wiki articles. Thanks for your patinece and have a nice day! --S4b1nuz ᴇ.656(SMS) 10:10, 24 Mar 2023 (CET)