Achal Prabhala

Achal Prabhala (...) jè 'nu screttore, attiviste e 'nvestigatore indiane.
Javite ôsce a die a Bangalore, Karnataka. Ète canosciute specialmènde pe' le fatije sue pe' le jusse d'a proprietate 'ndellettuale d'a medecine e d'a canoscenze. Ète membre d'u conziglie d'amministraziune d'u Cendre pe' 'Ndernètte e 'a suggetate (jndr'ô 'nglese: Centre for Internet and Society) e d'u Advisory Board d'a Funnaziune Uicchimèdie.
Vita personale
[cange • cange 'a sorgende]Prabhala vive a Bangalore jndr'à l'Indie.[1] Jidde ha studiate economije e gestione de le regole pubbleche a Middlebury College e pò a l'Università de Yale,[2] addò ave condrebbuite a scrivere articole sus a Yale Daily News, 'nu sciurnale de studinde.
[cange • cange 'a sorgende]
- Access to knowledge in Africa (2010) scritte cu C. Armstrong, J. De Beer, D. Kawooya e T. Schonwetter.
- The best of Quest (2011) cu Laeeq Futehally e Arshia Sattar.
- Civil Lines 6 (2011) cu Mukul Kesavan e Kai Friese.
[cange • cange 'a sorgende]- ↑, .
- ↑ Report of a Workshop on Developing Local Productive and Supply Capacity in the Pharmaceutical Sector, p. 18
Otre pruggette
[cange • cange 'a sorgende]Uicchimedie Commons tène files multimediale sus Achal Prabhala
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Collegaminde fore a Uicchipèdie
[cange • cange 'a sorgende]- The Road To Wellville By Achal Prabhala
- Outlook India: Achal Prabhala
- The Times of India : Patent Wrong
- Battling HIV/AIDS – A Decision Maker's Guide to the Procurement of Medicines and Related Supplies
- Intellectual Property, Education and Access to Knowledge in Southern Africa, Response to Indian Copyright Law Amendment
- "Reconsidering the Pirate Nation: Notes from South Africa and India" By Lawrence Liang and Achal Prabhala. BROKEN LINK!
- Tehelka : Indian Patents: Doing Just Fine : In the wake of the Madras High Court’s landmark ruling on Novartis, CHAN PARK and ACHAL PRABHALA disentangle some key myths around patent law