This work was made by Nahid Hossain and released under the license(s) stated below. Please feel free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit Nahid Hossain as author and follow the terms of the chosen license. If you use this work outside of the Wikimedia projects, I would very much like to get a note from you. Thanks!
da spartere – pe copià, distribbuì e trasmettere 'a fatìe
da misckà – pe adattà a 'a fatìe
Sotte a le condiziune seguende:
attribbuzione – A dà le credite giuste, 'nu collegamende a 'a licenze e dicere ce onne state fatte de le cangiaminde. Puè farle accumme vuè tu, ma none jndr'à 'nu mode ca suggerisce ca 'u licenziande approve a te e l'ause tune.
condivide cose simile – Ce tu cange, trasforme o costruisce sus a sta fatìe, tu puè destribbuì 'a fatìe ca ne iesse fore sule sotte a 'a stessa licenze o simile a queste.