David Woodard

Da Uicchipèdie, 'a 'ngeclopedije lìbbere.
Woodard, 2020

David Woodard (Los Angeles, California6 abbrìle 1964) jè 'nu candande statunitense.[1][2][3][4]

Note[cangecange 'a sorgende]

  1. Carpenter, S., «In Concert at a Killer's Death», Los Angeles Times, 9 másce 2001.
  2. Rapping, A., Ritratto di Woodard (Seattle: Getty Images, 2001).
  3. Epstein, J., «Rebuilding a Home in the Jungle», San Francisco Chronicle, 13 màrze 2005.
  4. Allen, M., «Décor by Timothy Leary», The New York Times, 20 scennàre 2005.

Otre pruggette[cangecange 'a sorgende]

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